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About Nitsan
Nitsan Kolko is an Israeli pianist, composer, and arranger.
His debut album “Allusions” - a duo collaboration with multi-instrumentalist Hillai Govreen, was highly praised by various important publications such as JazzNU(Belgium), Haaretz(Israel), Música-Terra (Japan), Cazkolik(Turkey) and more. Their collaboration also includes a nonet consisting of woodwind and string instruments, for which they compose and arrange original music together.
Nitsan’s other current projects include: leading a big band orchestra, being the conductor and musical director of a gospel choir, leading a trio of his original music as well as performing solo works. His work was presented in the most prestigious venues in Israel, such as the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, the Jerusalem Jazz Festival, the Red Sea Jazz Festival, Beit Haamudim, and Shablul among others.
Nitsan has played as a sideman with some of the most prominent jazz musicians in Israel as well as in New York in festivals around the world, including in the Netherlands, France, Slovakia, Germany, Ukraine and more.
He is a recipient of the America Israel Cultural Foundation scholarship, the Israeli Conservatory of Music Excellence Scholarship, the Ran Baron Award and the Israeli army “Outstanding Musician Award”.
Nitsan studied at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in NYC between 2018-2020 and graduated with honors under the instruction of Sam Yahel, Hal Galper, Buster Williams, Glenn Zaleski, Shai Maestro, and Dave Douglas among others.